Capital allowance

4th schedule paragraph

Limit For 2024

Passenger Motor Vehicle


The limit is pegged at US$10,000.00 or  ZiG equivalent

Any Staff  Housing


The limit is pegged at US$25,000.00 or  ZiG equivalent

School, hospital, nursing home or clinic


The limit is pegged at US$10,000.00 or  ZiG equivalent

Staff housing for employees at a school, hospital, nursing home or clinic which qualifies as farm improvements and alteration and additions thereto.


The limit is pegged at US$10,000.00 or  ZiG equivalent

SIA for Small to Medium Enterprises

Para 9(g)

50% allowed in first year of use and claim and balance over two years @ 25% as accelerated wear and tear. w.e.f 1/01/2011

Buildings, Improvements, Machinery and Equipment used for Commercial, Industrial and farming


25%  SIA from 1/1/2010  or any subsequent year of assessment

Commercial Buildings do not attract SIA

For Licensed Investors, (SIA) 50% allowed in first year of use and claim and balance over two years @ 25% as accelerated wear and tear.

Special Mining Operations



Residential Unit erected on or after 1stJanuary 2018 used for housing the holder’s employees.

Para 6 (2) (f) (v)

The limit is pegged at US$25,000.00 or  ZiG equivalent

Passenger motor vehicle purchased on or after 1stJanuary 2009

Para 6 (2) (g) (v)

The limit is pegged at US$10,000.00 or  ZiG equivalent

Residential unit used by employees at the school, hospital, nursing home or clinic

Para 6 (2) (h) (ii) (IV)

The limit is pegged at US$10,000.00 or  ZiG equivalent