ZIMRA Brings Joy to Bumhudzo Old People’s home
(Story)By Severino Garah In a heartwarming display of community spirit, the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) has stepped up to...
By Severino Garah In a heartwarming display of community spirit, the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) has stepped up to...
The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) has taken a significant leap forward in facilitating trade with the launch of...
What are Harmonized System Codes (HS Codes)? HS Codes are a standardised numerical method (8-digit classification) of...
All VAT Registered Operators are required to comply with fiscalisation requirement, to register and interface with...
By Severino Garah In an exciting development for importers, exporters and clearing agents, the Zimbabwe Revenue...
By Linister Chivizhe The World Customs Organisation (WCO) Regional Intelligence Liaison Office for East and Southern...
In an effort to improve digital services and streamline customs procedures, the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) has...
The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA), in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), recently...
The percentage charged as Capital Gains Tax for selling your asset depends on when you bought or built the house or acquired the asset which you intend to sell. 1. If you acquired an asset before 22nd February 2019, Capital Gains Tax is charged at: (i) Five cents for each dollar of the capital gain determined in accordance with the capital Gains Act (Chapter 23:01) (ii) Five United States cents for each United States dollar of capital gain determined in accordance with the Capital Gains Tax Act (Chapter 23:01) 2. If you acquired an asset after 22 February 2019, Capital Gains Tax shall be (ii) Twenty cents for each dollar of the capital gain determined in accordance with the Capital Gains Tax Act. (iii) Twenty cents for each United States dollar of capital gain determined in accordance with the Capital Gains Tax Act. NB: capital gain is selling price less costs known as allowable deductions. Examples of allowable deductions are: