Zimbabwe's First Lady, Dr. Auxillia Mnangagwa, has lauded the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) for its ongoing tax education campaign. The First Lady made the remarks during a recent visit to the ZIMRA stand at the inaugural Farm to Market Art Festival held in Harare.

The Farm to Market Art Festival, a brainchild of the First Lady, aimed at bringing together fresh farm produce, traditional foods, agro-processed goods, arts and crafts, and Zimbabwe's cultural heritage on a single platform was a resounding success.

"You must continue teaching our people on tax matters so that they comply and contribute to the development of our country," the First Lady said while touring the ZIMRA exhibit.

ZIMRA has religiously participated in major exhibitions across the country, taking the gospel of tax compliance and educating taxpayers on their obligations. At the festival, a team of dedicated ZIMRA officers educated exhibitors and guests on various tax and customs-related matters. Issues surrounding the export of fresh farm produce and the taxation of farmers were of particular interest to the attendees.

The team from ZIMRA seized the opportunity to take through the potential taxpayers on the registration process using the TaRMS system .

Grace Moyondizvo, a young farmer from Marondera, expressed her support for ZIMRA's efforts.  "As young farmers, we want to contribute immensely to the government's Vision 2030 by paying our taxes,”said Ms Moyondizvo.

Some guests at the festival suggested that ZIMRA should conduct more road shows to educate business owners who may be operating without a clear understanding of their tax obligations.

The First Lady's visit and her endorsement of ZIMRA's tax education campaign underscores the Authority's commitment to promoting tax compliance and ensuring that all citizens contribute to the country's development.