The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) hosted its 7th Annual General meeting in the Capital on 27 June 2024 during which the ZIMRA Board presented the 2023 Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements of the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA).

Speaking at this occasion, Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment Promotion Minister, Hon. David Kudakwashe Munangagwa, highlighted that it was important to appreciate the transparency and integrity that ZIMRA demonstrates in consistently and publicly sharing Audited Financial Statements and holding an AGM for a public institution that is charged with collecting revenue on behalf of government. 

“ZIMRA has consistently been complying with the best practice dictates of corporate governance, which require each state entity to convene an Annual General Meeting as prescribed by the Public Entities and Corporate Governance Act. This must be appreciated. 2023 marked the mid-point of ZIMRA's 5-year strategic journey from 2021 to 2025 and it therefore becomes an important opportunity to review the performance of ZIMRA thus far. I am pleased to report that despite the challenges, ZIMRA has made progress in ensuring it delivers on its mandate.

You will also appreciate that one of the key milestones achieved in 2023 was the implementation of the new Tax Revenue Management System (TaRMS), which replaced the previous system whose shortcomings had become a major pain point for taxpayers. The new TaRMS has delivered superior tax revenue administration and significantly improved the overall taxpayer experience,” Hon Munangagwa.

Board Chairman Mr Antony Mandiwanza who welcomed members to the AGM led the proceedings while the Commissioner General of ZIMRA Ms Regina Chinamasa said that the strategic vision of ZIMRA was to feed into the national vision and to contribute to the economic stability of the nation through strengthening resource mobilisation through digitilisation and through implementing the full release of TaRMS.

She added that in line with the Government's thrust of improving service delivery, ZIMRA had made significant progress in implementing various strategic projects like Fiscalised Device Management System (FDMS), Zimbabwe Electronic Single Window (ZeSW), the Contact Centre, the Command and Surveillance Centre.

“ZIMRA is also investing in cutting-edge technology, such as scanners and drones, to improve border control and cargo monitoring, helping to detect and prevent the smuggling of goods. These strategic projects, underpinned by the principles of digitalisation and automation, have been instrumental in ZIMRA's efforts to modernise its operations, enhance taxpayer customer experience, and strengthen the revenue collection capabilities. We have also put in place measures to fight corruption, create awareness and a corrupt free ZIMRA. ZIMRA is also committed to promote the welfare of its staff,” said Ms Chinamasa.

In attendance at the AGM were Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment Promotion officials, other Government officials, ZIMRA board members, ZIMRA Management team and staff members, ZIMRA stakeholders, Captains of industry and commerce, Zimbabwe Government Departments and Members of the Media Fraternity.