By Prudence J. Mangisi and Melody Chitukutuku
Vic Falls/ Kazungula/ Hwange sub region raised high the flag of the ZIMRA Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) porogrmmes during Q1 when they chipped in to assist Holton Mpala, a student at Ndlovu Secondary School with over USD400.00, towards payment of his medical bills.
The sub region raised funds for the medical expenses of Holton Mpala’s specialised/ computerised object removal operation through individual donations of staff members to get a foreign object (needle) removal operation in Zambia
Mpala a form 4 student, was pricked by a needle on his left hand. Three local hospitals in Bulawayo attempted to retrieve the needle with a manual operation which was not successful.
A computerised object removal operation was suggested amid dysfunctional local hospital equipment leaving Hilton’s grandparents with the only option of going to Zambia for the operation.
ZIMRA Management and Staff in the region assisted after having been moved by the plight of the young student of Ndlovu school in Victoria Falls rural as his grandparents are over sixty years and unemployed and had exhausted all their savings on his medication in Bulawayo.
The timely Vic Falls/ Kazungula/ Hwange sub region came in handy and the amount donated covered Mpala’s X-ray, operation, bandages, tablets, transport and accommodation for him and his grandmother to and from Zambia.
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
Winston Churchill