TaRMS innovation heralding modernity – Tax Agent Module is Live
As part of Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) Business Processes Re-engineering, ZIMRA has launched Release 2 of the Tax and Revenue Management System (TaRMS) and the system which is now live starting 29 February 2024 amid extensive change management awareness sessions country-wide.
TaRMS project Manager Mrs Gamuchirai Makwangudze is elated at the recent development.
“Great milestone this is. Well-done to us all as a team and congratulations to everyone. We are all very excited and appreciate the amount of work and effort which has been put into this critical Project to this point,” she said.
Currently TaRMS has made head-ways in integration of TaRMS with disparate Business As Usual (BAU) Applications (Civil Registry, Registrar of Deeds & Companies, Banks, SAP FI has been completed, FDMS and working on integrating ASYCUDA.
TaRMS Release 1 was successfully launched in two phases:
Phase 1 – Two (2) Modules, User Management and Taxpayer Registration were launched on 12 October 2023
Phase 2 - Six (6) modules were successfully launched on 6 December 2023. These are Return Management, Payments Management, Taxpayer Accounting, Debt Management, Refunds Management and Revenue Accounting.
Training of ZIMRA Officials, Tax Agents and Taxpayers for Release 2 started on 14 February 2024 and is still in progress while taxpayer queries are now channeled through the ZIMRA Contact Centre. The launch of Release 3 is set for 1st of August 2024.
Taxpayers, Tax Agents and ZIMRA Officials have been working together to embrace TaRMS. There was a negative perception on TaRMS at introduction but the issues have been resolved and all stakeholders have begun to appreciate the convenience which the system brings with 103,859. taxpayers having been registered so far, 36,745 have registered as new Taxpayers and 67,114 have on-boarded.
The introduction of TaRMS is part of the organisation’s focus on simplifying business processes for the convenience of Taxpayers. ZIMRA is key in the national transformation and economic viability of Zimbabwe towards its vision 2030. Hence the need for ZIMRA to change its processes to facilitate ease of doing business. TaRMS is the new system for automating Domestic Taxes processes, replacing the (SAP TRM).
ZIMRA has been facing a series of system challenges in the provision of its services to its Taxpayers through SAP TRM under Domestic Taxes Division.